Home in Sweden

Bio med Amy och Ebba! :D 
Spel med släkten! :D
Malins lilla familj! :D 
Wiihooo, träffade Carro igen! :D ...Det bästa kortet när pappa fotograferar. XD
...När Vera äter vitkol...

The Hobbit and just chilling with Caitlin!

My last alone-time with Cait before moving back to Sweden. A sad day.

Getting rid of my stuff... :/


3 Days left!

OMG, gonna see my niece for the first time in just a couple of days! :D :D :D

Älskar att man kan hänga på stranden i December!




Fick bästa presenten på posten!

Nej, jag pratar INTE om Liam Hemsworth...

Lekt lite

Som ni kanske ser har jag lekt lite med färg och form i bloggen. Vet inte om det är ett bra tecken när man behöver knarka huvudvärkstabletter efter man besökt sidan numera...

Christmas spirit


Linnéa goes CRAZY

Photos I took on Linnéa for Photo 1



The boys went to ikea

Olle and Emil came home with some real treats after their trip to IKEA in LA. 

Another Day with Caitlin!!!

Wiihooo!!! Cait going crazy with her new rings!
Our new Friend-elephant-rings!!! ;D
Girly music - Girly Day

Oprah on Campus

So.. Oprah Winfrey was on Campus today.
Yea.. So that's all I have to say about that...

Over 112,000 views

My shitty "Rory and Jess - You slept with dad" video has reached more than 112,000 views on YouTube.
It may not be something to brag about, but thanks for all the good and funny comments over the years. :)
For some reason I couldn't upload it successfully here, but if you wanna check it out here's the link:
...Oh, and keep in mind, this was made in Windows Movie Maker many years ago...


Here I am, crying with the characters of Greek... 
...the final episode...
...When these two jumps in. O.o

First presidential Debate

They are on  F I R E


RIP Linus. :( 

Emil på G!

"VA?! En hajfena och en hjälplös tös bredvid?"
"Don't worry mam, I'm on my way!"

Familjen uppdaterar från sverige


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